Leaves many, rosulate, often over 2 m. long, not constricted between sheath and blade; sheaths very broad, coarsely tomentose-lepidote; blades linear, acumi-nate, 4 cm. wide, deep green above, pale green and very minutely pale-appressed-lepidote beneath, armed with stout teeth up to 10 mm. long. Scape stout, white-farinose. Scape-bracts foliaceous but with the sheaths roseate and subinflated. Inflorescence many-flowered, narrowly pyram-idal, white-farinose. Primary bracts like the scape-bracts but the upper ones entire. Branches to 12-flowered. Floral bracts linear-subulate from a short broad base, 3 cm. long. Flowers to 6 cm. long, distinctly pedicellate. Sepals erect, very narrowly triangular-subulate, pale. Petals linear-elliptic, 3 cm. long, rose with white base and margins, densely white-tomentose at apex. Ovary slenderly ellipsoid, 2 cm. long. Berry ovoid, about 3 5 mm. long, yellow or ochraceous, strongly verrucose, acidulous, aromatic.
A herb. It is like a pineapple plant. It grows attached to other plants. It grows 1.2-2 m high. It spreads 2 m wide. The leaves are sword shaped and curve outwards. They are green but turn red at the base of the flower. There are teeth on the edges of the leaves. These are hooked. The flowers are purple and white. There are white woolly bracts along the fruit. The fruit are a crowded head of berries that are plum like and edible. They are yellow. The head is 60-100 cm long.