Shrub or small tree, 2-3 m tall, to 8 cm d.b.h; stems sparsely and inconspic-uously appressed-pubescent, the trichomes very short, T-shaped. Leaves oppo-site, coriaceous, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, acute to gradually acuminate at the apex, attenuate at the base, 4.0-9.5 cm long, 1.5-3.0 cm wide, both surfaces minutely and densely reddish-brown, glandular dotted upon magnification, the upper surface glabrous except sparsely appressed-pubescent along the midrib, the lower surface almost glabrous or sparsely appressed-pubescent with 1 or more pairs of sunken, plate-shaped glands near the base and with others scattered elsewhere on the blade, especially near the major veins, the margin revolute, the primary lateral veins 2-4 pairs, mostly arising in the lower ?3 of the blade, then markedly ascending to near the apex; petioles almost glabrous or sparsely ap-pressed-pubescent, 8-11 mm long. Pseudoracemes axillary, 6-7-flowered, 4-7 cm long, the axis inconspicuously and sparsely appressed-pubescent, the tri-chomes thick; bracts narrowly triangular, thick, sparsely pubescent, the brac-teoles similar. Flowers not studied; fruiting calyx with 6-8 glands, several of them the result of fusion of 2 glands, the glands narrowly obovate, 3.5-4.5 mm long, the calyx obtuse at the apex, glabrous to sparsely and inconspicuously appressed-pubescent, ciliate. Fruits obovoid to ovoid, ca. 1 cm long, reddish-orange, glabrous.