Epiphytic, suffrutescent, slender, glabrous herbs; stems hollow, to 70 cm long. Leaves with blades lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 2.7-5.0(-8.0) cm long, 1.2-2.5 cm wide, mostly 2-4 times as long as wide, glabrous, apically narrowed gradually to a long-acuminate, often falcate tip, basally rounded, marginally shallowly crenate-serrate with 2-4 callose-tipped teeth per cm; petioles 4-7 mm long, gla-brous. Flowers 3-3.5 cm long; pedicels solitary in the upper leaf axils, spreading, usually stiff, glabrous, ebracteolate, 5-9 cm long; hypanthium in anthesis cylindric, basally rounded, flaring at the summit; calyx lobes deltoid or ovate, blunt, 1.5-2.5 (-3.5) mm long, marginally entire to callose-denticulate, glabrous, erect, green to purplish; corolla glabrous, greenish, purplish or russet red, the tube 15-18 mm long, basally little expanded, the lobes lanceolate, the 2 upper lobes 10-12 mm long, the two lateral lobes 6-8 mm long, the lowermost lobe 5-6 mm long; fila-ment tube ca. 20 mm long, glabrous, basally distinct and adherent to the corolla tube, the anthers 3.5-5.5 mm long, the 2 shorter anthers apically densely fringed with white, pilose trichomes, otherwise all anthers glabrous. Berries much in-flated, (2-)3-5 cm in diameter, 3-6 cm long, magenta, oblong-ovoid with a trun-cate apex; seeds fusiform or cylindric, light brown with dark apiculate tips, mi-nutely foveate-reticulate, 0.9-1.2 mm long.