or inconspicuously dentate with 1-2 low teeth per cm, inconspicuously appressed pubescent especially on the veins on both the upper and lower surfaces; petioles stout, ca. 1 cm long, 2 mm in diameter, sparingly appressed pubescent. Flowers ca. 4.8 cm long; pedicels slender, solitary in the upper leaf axils, arching to ascendant, ebracteolate, ca. 6 cm long; hypanthium in anthesis campanulate to cylindric, 7-9 mm long, 5-7 mm in diameter, glabrous to sparingly appressed pubescent; calyx lobes 12-15 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, obtuse, entire to inconspicuously denticulate; corolla glabrous, greenish, the tube ca. 25 mm long, basally ca. 4 mm in diameter, gradually flaring above to ca. 6 mm in diameter, the lobes narrowly linear-oblong, falcate, the 2 upper lobes 14-17 mm long and 4-5 mm wide, the 2 lateral lobes ca. 11 mm long, the lowermost lobe 8-9 mm long; filament tube ca. 33 mm long, glabrous throughout, the longer anthers ca. 8 mm long, the shorter anthers ca. 5 mm long, all anthers externally glabrous, the 2 lowermost apically densely pilose with whitish trichomes 2.0-2.2 mm long. Berries globose or sub-globose, 15-18 mm in diameter; seeds fusiform, ca. 0.8 mm long.
Shrublets; branchlets sparingly appressed-pubescent. Principal leaves with blades broadly elliptic to oblong, 15-22 cm long, 7-9 cm wide, ca. 2.5 times as long as wide, apically acute and basally broadly rounded, marginally subentire