Epiphytic shrublets or suffrutescent herbs, 60-150 cm long; stems short-pubes-cent above with densely spreading hairs, glabrescent below with the tawny tri-chomes 0.1-0.2 mm long. Principal leaves with blades elliptic to less commonly ovate to obovate, 6-12.5 cm long, mostly 2-4 times as long as wide, apically acute to acuminate or obtuse, basally acutely tapering, marginally appearing subentire but actually with 1-2 indistinct callosities per cm, glabrous above to moderately puberulent in the basal portion of the midvein, densely short-pubescent beneath especially on the veins with tawny spreading trichomes ca. 0.1 mm long, the venation pinnate with the lateral veins forming a vein ca. 1 mm from the margin; petioles 1-3 cm long, densely spreading short-pubescent. Flowers 4-5 cm long; pedicels solitary in the upper leaf axils, straight to curving, moderately to densely spreading, short-pubescent, ebracteolate, (5-) 8-12 cm long; hypanthia at an-thesis obconic, moderately to densely short-pubescent, the spreading trichomes ca. 0.1 mm long, basally acute, 5-9 mm long and distally 3-7 mm in diameter, vertically nerved or ridged; calyx lobes oblong to ovate, obtuse, entire, incon-spicuously short-pubescent, 1.5-3 mm long; corollas moderately but inconspicu-ously spreading-short-pubescent, light green or green with purplish lines, the tube 14-18 mm long, the lobes falcately oblong to ovate, acute to acuminate, the 2 upper lobes 12-16 mm long, the 2 lateral lobes 8-11 mm long, the lower-most lobe 4-6 mm long; filament tube exserted, 32-36 mm long, proximally gla-brous, distally slightly puberulous to glabrous, the anthers 3-6 mm long, externally slightly puberulous, apically glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Fruits and seeds unknown.