Leaf lanceolate, 50–80 × 6–10 mm. Flower stem 60–100 mm tall, slender, wiry, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 15–20 mm across, creamy green to yellowish green and red; sepals with small brown clubs 1–3 × 0.5 mm; petals lacking clubs. Dorsal sepal incurved, 17–25 × 2–2.5 mm. Lateral sepals spreading to obliquely deflexed, 17–25 × 2.5–3 mm, divergent, parallel or crossed. Petals spreading to obliquely deflexed, 15–20 × 1–1.5 mm. Labellum delicately hinged, 9–12 × 8–11 mm, green with maroon apex; margins with 3–5 pairs of short, blunt, green teeth and numerous other teeth decrescent to the apex; tip decurved. Basal calli c. 3 mm long. Lamina calli to 2 mm long, maroon, crowded, in 4 rows onto base of midlobe. Column 8–9 × 3–3.5 mm, transparent with red stripes; basal glands c. 2 mm long, shiny yellow with red base.
Highly localised, very rare and known from less than 150 remaining plants; growing among shrubs and grass on slopes and ridges in open forest dominated by yellow box and ironbarks in freely draining, shallow, stony loam and clay loam.