Fl. solitary or very few in loose raceme; floral bracts us. 2–3, small. Per. glandular-pubescent; dorsal sepal uppermost, erect or ± incurved over column, us. narrow; lateral sepals and petals sub-similar and sts spreading symmetrically. Labellum very shortly clawed, half-erect, undivided or 3-lobed; margins often fringed or toothed; calli ± clavate, in ± regular longitudinal rows. Column elongate, erect to incurved, winged; anther terminal, apiculate, surface often papillose, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma discoid, inclined downwards; rostellum median. Plants terrestrial, with pilose or glandular hairs; tubers ± globose, the new ones produced ± within lf-sheaths. Lf solitary, ± hirsute, linear to lanceolate. Genus of c. 75 spp. mainly Australian but also in Malaysia and New Caledonia. The 2 N.Z. spp. both occur also in Australia, C. carnea being one of the 15 spp. originally included in the genus by Robert Brown.