Leaf ground-hugging, 40–60 × 5–10 mm. Flower stem 100–300 mm tall, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 25–40 × 20–30 mm, cream to greenish yellow with red stripes and markings. Dorsal sepal erect, 18–25 × 1.5–2 mm. Lateral sepals divergent, 18–25 × 2–5 mm, decurved. Petals decurved, 14–24 × 1.5–2 mm, tips incurved. Labellum stiffly hinged, attached to a column foot 3–5 mm long; false abdomen 8–10 × 6–8 mm, greenish with numerous maroon hairs and calli, strongly incurved near top of ovary (semi-circular in profile); false head 2.5–3 mm across, blackish, flanked by 2 thick calli to 2 mm long. Column 12–14 × 4–6 mm, greenish with red markings.
Widespread and common in a range of habitats, but absent from tall, high-rainfall forests; often growing on slopes and flats in sheoak thickets and woodland in grey sands; also on granite outcrops and damp sites near swamps and streams.