Leaf linear-lanceolate, 100–200 × 8–10 mm, hairy. Flower stem 150–300 mm tall, slender, hairy, 1-flowered. Flowers 40–50 mm across, bright white to pinkish white; sepals and petals with ill-defined, thin to thick, reddish brown to purplish brown, glandular clubs 6–12 mm long (petal clubs smaller). Dorsal sepal erect, 25–30 × 3–4 mm. Lateral sepals divergent, spreading with decurved tips, 25–30 × 4–5 mm. Petals spreading back with decurved tips, 20–25 × 3 mm. Labellum 9–13 × 8–10 mm, white to pinkish; margins with numerous thin, pinkish teeth to 1.5 mm long; tip recurved. Calli to 1 mm long, pinkish, in 4 or 6 sparse rows onto midlobe.
Highly localised, only known from two plants (not seen for more than 25 years); growing in heathy woodland dominated by Gippsland Manna Gum in freely draining, reddish, sandy soils.