Leaf lanceolate, 70–120 × 8–12 mm, densely hairy. Flower stem 120–250 mm tall, slender, hairy, 1-or 2–flowered. Flowers 30–40 mm across, pale yellow with red stripes and suffusions, sometimes wholly red; sepals with flattened, dark red clubs 5–8 mm long; petals lacking clubs. Dorsal sepal erect, 25–35 × 2.5 mm, incurved. Lateral sepals stiffly spreading to decurved, 25–35 × 3–4 mm, divergent. Petals stiffly spreading to decurved, 20–25 × 2 mm. Labellum 10–14 × 6–8 mm, red or pale yellow with radiating red stripes, apex recurved, maroon; margins with 5–8 pairs of thin red teeth to 2 mm long. Calli to 1 mm long, pink to red, glossy, in 4 or 6 fairly crowded rows onto base of midlobe. Column 10–11 × 4.5 mm, red.
Restricted to a few sites; growing in sparse woodland dominated by yellow gum and native pines, in freely draining, red-brown, sandy loam; less commonly in buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii) woodland in heavy soil.