Leaf linear-lanceolate, 60–100 × 5–7 mm. Flower stem 150–220 mm tall, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 30–40 mm across, with smell like hot metal, cream to yellowish with red lines, sometimes wholly reddish, labellum cream with prominent red veins and dark red apex, calli dark red, column red; sepals with short, thick, dark red clubs 6–9 × 0.8 mm; petals lacking clubs. Dorsal sepal erect, 30–40 × 2.5–3 mm. Lateral sepals stiffly and obliquely decurved, 30–40 × 4–5 mm, divergent. Petals spreading to stiffly decurved, 25–30 × 2–3 mm. Labellum stiffly hinged, 14–16 × 10–12 mm; margins with 9–12 pairs of maroon teeth to 2.5 mm long; tip recurved. Basal calli 8–10, c. 1 mm long. Lamina calli to 2 mm long, maroon, in 4 rows. Column 12–14 × 5–6 mm, broadly winged; basal glands c. 1.3 mm long, shiny yellow with a red base.