Leaf linear-lanceolate, 30–100 × 5–10 mm. Flower stem 50–250 mm tall, stiff, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 20–35 mm across, pale green to dark green with red central stripes; sepals with moderately thick, yellowish brown to brown clubs 3–10 × 1 mm; petals lacking clubs. Dorsal sepal incurved, 25–40 × 1.5–2 mm. Lateral sepals obliquely decurved, 25–40 × 2.5–3 mm, nearly parallel or divergent, sometimes crossed. Petals obliquely decurved, 20–26 × 1–2 mm, tapered to a long-acuminate apex. Labellum delicately hinged, 11–17 × 10–18 mm, green basally, white centrally, apex maroon; basal margins with 4–6 pairs of thin green comb-teeth to 3.5 mm long; midlobe margins with 4–5 pairs of broad teeth; tip recurved. Basal calli c. 2.8 mm long. Lamina calli to 2 mm long, dark red to reddish black, with swollen heads, in 4 rows two-thirds of the way to apex. Column incurved, 10–14 × 3.5–4.5 mm, greenish; basal glands c. 2 mm long, ellipsoid, yellow with a red base, shiny.
Widely distributed and locally common in a range of habitats; growing among shrubs, tussocks and grass in open forest, woodland, mallee communities, heathy forest, and coastal scrub in freely draining sands and loams.