Leaf 70–250 × 3–5 mm. Flower stem 250–500 mm tall, thick (3–4 mm across), 1–3-flowered. Flowers 30–40 × 30–50 mm, with a strong, musky scent, pale pink or bright pink, externally brownish pink; labellum pink with red or purple bars, midlobe yellow to orange; calli cream to yellow; column green with red or purple bars. Dorsal sepal 15–20 × 3–4 mm, erect. Lateral sepals 15–20 × 5–6 mm. Petals 15–20 × 4–5 mm. Labellum 7–9 × 7–9 mm; lateral lobes large, rounded, entire; midlobe long, recurved, with 4–8 short marginal teeth. Calli in 2–6 rows to base of midlobe; basal calli four, in a loose group, 1.8 mm long, orange-headed, stalk c. 0.7 mm long; lamina calli c. 0.8 mm long, in 2–6 rows, yellow-headed. Column 8–10 × 3.5 mm.
Locally common; growing in heathy forest, coastal scrub and heathland in freely draining, sandy loam.