Leaf linear-lanceolate, 40–60 × 5–10 mm. Flower stem 50–200 mm tall, rigid, red, 1-flowered. Flowers 30–40 mm across, pale green to yellowish with red central stripes; sepals with thin, pale green, brownish or yellowish clubs 1–3 × 0.2 mm; petals without clubs. Dorsal sepal erect, 20–30 × 1–2 mm. Lateral sepals parallel or crossed, 25–35 × 4–6 mm, stiffly and obliquely deflexed. Petals widely spreading, recurved, 15–25 × 1.5–2 mm. Labellum delicately hinged, 10–12 × 10–13 mm, green with cream or white central area, dark maroon apex and green marginal teeth; basal margins with 4–6 pairs of thin, erect comb-teeth to 3 mm long, basal teeth often fused together; midlobe margins with 5–8 pairs of short teeth; tip recurved. Calli to 2 mm long, maroon, in 4 crowded rows. Column 8–10 × 3–4 mm, yellowish with red markings; basal glands c. 2 mm long, shiny yellow.
Widespread and common on the plains of the wheat belt; growing in woodland, shrublands and mallee/broom bush association in freely draining, fertile loams and coloured sands.