Leaf linear-lanceolate, 80–150 × 8–10 mm, densely hairy. Flower stem 150–250 mm tall, densely hairy, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 50–70 mm across, uniformly dark red to crimson, shiny; labellum dark red, base paler, calli red; column red; sepals and petals with relatively short, thick, reddish black, glandular tips (no clubs). Dorsal sepal incurved, 30–40 × 2.5–3 mm. Lateral sepals stiffly spreading near base then shallowly decurved, 30–40 × 2.5–3 mm, widely divergent. Petals similarly arranged, 25–35 × 2–2.5 mm. Labellum obscurely 3-lobed, 11–13 × 8–9 mm; margins with numerous red teeth to 1 mm long; tip recurved. Basal calli 6–8, c. 2 mm long. Lamina calli to 1.3 mm long, in 4 crowded rows. Column 10–12 × 3–4 mm; basal glands c. 1 mm long, obovoid, yellow with a red base.
Once widely distributed in parts of S central N.S.W. and N Vic., but now highly localised; growing among grass tussocks and shrubs on ridges and slopes in box/ironbark forests in freely draining, shallow clay loam, often stony or gravelly.