Plant at fl. c. 5–20 cm. tall. Stem erect, slender, pilose below with long tapering hairs, glandular-pubescent above. Green lf solitary, linear-lanceolate, us. overtopped by fls, sparsely pilose with long tapering hairs. Floral bracts 1–4, lower ones often empty. Fls 1–4 in lax raceme, ovary us. > bract. Per. 1.5–2.5 cm. diam., white to pink, sts obscurely striped, glandular and ± hairy externally. Sepals elliptic-oblong; dorsal wider and ± arched over column; lateral widespreading, subacute. Petals similar to lateral sepals. Labellum 3-lobed; mid-lobe narrowly triangular and recurved; lateral lobes broad, transversely barred with red; calli yellow, in 4 ± regular rows on disc, smaller and crowded on mid-lobe and its margin. Column curved; wings of uniform width from base to anther, transversely barred with red.