Leaf 80–120 × 4–8 mm, thick, fleshy, shiny, densely hairy. Flower stem 100–180 mm tall, 3–4 mm thick, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 17–24 × 20–30 mm, bright pink, externally brownish pink, densely glandular; labellum bright pink with numerous dark red bars, midlobe yellow, calli yellow; column green with narrow red bars. Dorsal sepal 18–22 × 4–5.5 mm, erect or incurved. Lateral sepals 18–25 × 4–7 mm. Petals 18–23 × 3.5–5.5 mm. Labellum 8–11 × 9–11 mm; lateral lobes large, angular, entire, incurved; midlobe c. 4 mm long, recurved with 4–6 yellow, blunt, marginal teeth. Basal calli 4, c. 1 mm long, yellow headed; lamina calli c. 1 mm long, in 2–4 rows to base of midlobe. Column 8–10 × 3.3 mm.
Highly localised; growing among shrubs and tussocks in shallow, stony, red-brown loam on slopes in sparse open forest and in rocky outcrops.