Leaf 90–220 × 6–10 mm. Flower stem 250–500 mm tall, 1–3-flowered. Flowers 50–100 mm across, predominantly red to maroon with yellowish suffusions; sepals and petals with relatively thick, yellowish brown clubs 10–25 mm long (sometimes absent on petals). Dorsal sepal erect, 45–70 × 3–6 mm. Lateral sepals spreading to stiffly downcurved, 50–80 × 3.5–8 mm, divergent. Petals slightly upswept or stiffly downcurved, 40–60 × 3.5–5 mm. Labellum 20–28 × 13–20 mm, maroon, base paler; margins with numerous maroon teeth (sometimes forked) to 9 mm long; tip recurved. Calli to 2 mm long, maroon, in 4 or 6 rows nearly to labellum apex. Column 12–18 × 9–12 mm, creamy yellow with red markings; basal glands c. 2.3 mm long, ovoid, yellow.
Locally common; growing in seepage areas, winter-wet flats and swamps in dense, low, heathy scrub in sandy clay soils; also on granite outcrops.