Leaf linear, 90–150 × 2.5–3 mm. Flower stem 100–180 mm tall, thin, wiry, 1–4-flowered. Flowers 18–25 × 18–25 mm, bright pink internally, centre sometimes whitish; externally greenish pink, sometimes with darker band; labellum dark pink to crimson with dark red bars, midlobe cream to pale yellow; calli yellow; column green with dark red bars. Dorsal sepal 9–14 × 3 mm, erect. Lateral sepals obliquely decurved, 10–15 × 4.5–5 mm, base often fused, parallel. Petals 8–12 × 4–5 mm, widely spreading. Labellum 5–5.5 × 6–7.5 mm; lateral lobes erect or incurved beside column, entire; midlobe triangular, recurved, with 4–10 short, marginal teeth. Calli in 2 rows to base of midlobe. Column 6–6.5 × 3.5 mm.
Localised; mainly found in areas well inland from the coast, growing among shrubs and tussocks in heathy forest and grassy forest in seasonally moist, sandy loam.