Leaf linear-lanceolate, 60–110 × 6–10 mm, densely hairy. Flower stem 200–350 mm tall, densely hairy, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 50–70 mm across, with smell like hot metal, cream to pink or light red; labellum dark red with a pale base; calli dark red; column pink to red; sepals and petals with long, relatively thick, red to blackish, glandular tips (no clubs). Dorsal sepal incurved, 40–50 × 2.5–3.5 mm. Lateral sepals obliquely deflexed to drooping, 40–60 × 3–4 mm, divergent. Petals similarly arranged, 35–45 × 2–3 mm. Labellum obscurely 3-lobed, 14–17 × 8–11 mm; margins with numerous dark purple teeth to 1.2 mm long; tip recurved. Basal calli 8–10, erect, crowded, to 1 mm long. Lamina calli to 1.5 mm long, in 4 or 6 crowded rows onto base of midlobe. Column 12–14 × 4–6 mm; basal glands c. 1 mm long, ovoid, yellow with red base.
Highly localised and rare; growing on moderate to steep slopes in hilly country, among shrubs and tussocks in open forest. The soil on lower slopes is freely draining loam, whereas on upper slopes and ridges it is thin and skeletal with decomposing shale.