Leaf lanceolate, 60–100 × 10–15 mm. Flower stem 150–300 mm tall, sturdy, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 25–40 mm across, stiffly erect, pale green with red central stripes; sepals and petals with sharply pointed tips (no clubs). Dorsal sepal erect and incurved, 25–33 × 2–3 mm. Lateral sepals obliquely decurved (occasionally erect in front of labellum), 25–33 × 3–4 mm, divergent, tips sometimes crossed. Petals obliquely decurved behind ovary, 16–23 × 2–3 mm, tips sometimes curled inwards. Labellum delicately hinged, obliquely erect, 15–17 × 14–16 mm, green with pale yellow or whitish central band and maroon apex; basal margins with 5–7 pairs of thin, green comb-teeth to 5 mm long; midlobe margins with short, blunt teeth; tip recurved. Basal calli c. 3.5 mm long. Lamina calli to 2 mm long, reddish black, thick, densely crowded in 4 or 6 rows onto base of maroon patch. Column 12–14 × 5–6 mm, translucent white with red flecks; basal glands c. 2 mm long, club-shaped, yellow with a red base.
Widespread and common in inland areas (to coast in S.A.); growing in coastal scrub, mallee/broombush shrubland and other mallee communities in sand over limestone; also drier woodland with a sparse understorey in freely draining sand and loam over limestone; less commonly in woodland dominated by Black Box and Buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii) in heavy soil.