Leaf 60–100 × 8–10 mm. Flower stem 150–200 mm tall, 1-flowered. Flowers 80–100 mm across, pale creamy yellow, sometimes with pale red dots and lines; sepals and petals with slender greyish or brownish tips carrying glandular hairs (no sessile glands or clubs). Dorsal sepal erect, 45–65 × 3–3.5 mm. Lateral sepals obliquely decurved to drooping, 45–65 × 4.5–5 mm, divergent. Petals similarly arranged, 35–50 × 4 mm. Labellum 12–16 × 7–9 mm, pale yellow, sometimes with red spots; margins entire or with a few very short, widely spaced teeth; tip recurved. Calli short, sparse, reddish, in 4 or 6 rows onto base of midlobe.
Highly localised and very rare; growing in box-ironbark forest and woodland with a sparse understorey in freely draining, shallow, gravely loam.