Leaf narrowly linear, 40–90 × 2–3 mm, dark green, sparsely hairy. Flower stem 80–140 mm tall, thick, 1-or 2-flowered. Ovary long, swollen and turgid at flowering. Flowers 10–14 × 15–18 mm, interior cream to pinkish, externally pinkish, labellum cream, lateral lobes with red bars, midlobe yellow-or orange-tipped, calli orange, column cream with red bars. Dorsal sepal 8–10 × 3 mm, erect to incurved. Lateral sepals porrect, fused at base, 8.5–11 × 3–3.5 mm, closely parallel. Petals spreading to upcurved, 8.5–10 × 3 mm. Labellum 5.5–6.5 × 6–7 mm; lateral lobes entire or slightly irregular; midlobe recurved, marginal teeth few, 2 prominent, flat, orange teeth at base of midlobe. Calli in 2 rows nearly to base of midlobe. Column 5–6.5 × 3.5 mm.
Highly localised; growing on slopes and ridges of coastal and near-coastal hills in thick, heathy scrub and heathy forest in freely draining, sandy soils and gravels over clay.