Plants often in tufts. Leaf 50–220 × 3–5 mm. Flower stem 150–300 mm tall, 1–3-flowered. Flowers 70–100 mm across, white to creamy white, sometimes with red lines and markings; sepals and petals with long dark filamentous tips. Dorsal sepal erect, 45–100 × 1.5–3 mm. Lateral sepals horizontal then decurved to pendulous, 50–110 × 2–4 mm. Petals similarly arranged, 45–100 × 2–3 mm. Labellum 10–15 × 7–11 mm, cream with spots and red radiating lines; margins with short, blunt teeth; tip recurved. Calli anvil-shaped, cream sometimes with red markings, 8–12 pairs in 2 rows. Column 8–10 × 4–6 mm, reddish.
Widespread and common from coast to inland; growing in many habitats including mallee vegetation, sand heath, woodland, granite outcrops, salt lake margins, in freely draining soil to moist sandy soil; also winter-wet swamps.