Leaf usually prostrate, 80–180 × 15–25 mm, underside green. Flower stem 100–450 mm tall, 1–4 (–6)-flowered. Flowers 25–30 × 25–30 mm, bright pink, rarely white; labellum pink or pink and white, sometimes striped; calli yellow or white. Dorsal sepal 12–16 × 3–4 mm, erect. Lateral sepals 13–17 × 4.5–5.5 mm, divergent. Petals 10–14 × 3–4 mm. Labellum 5–8 × 6–9 mm; lateral lobes narrow, erect; midlobe with 3–6 pairs of long, papillate, marginal teeth. Calli 8–16 in 2 short rows forming a semicircle. Column 6–8 × 2–2.5 mm, pink.
Widespread and common. Often prominent in coastal districts where it forms large clonal colonies under shrubby thickets in stabilised dunes close to the sea, sometimes extending onto exposed ridges; also among low scrub on coastal limestone. Also occurs in inland regions and is very widely distributed in S.A. and W.A., growing in a range of habitats including tall, wet forest; gorges; granite outcrops; limestone outcrops; and on margins of salt lakes.