Leaf 50–200 × 4–6 mm. Flower stem 200–450 mm tall, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 30–50 mm across, greenish yellow, heavily marked and suffused with maroon; sepals with thin, yellowish clubs 3–10 mm long; petals with or without clubs. Dorsal sepal erect, 30–45 × 2.5–3 mm. Lateral sepals curved forwards and then upswept, 30–45 × 4–5 mm, closely parallel. Petals stiffly downcurved, 20–30 × 2 mm. Labellum delicately hinged, 11–13 × 14–15 mm, yellowish green with dark purple apex; margins entire, few short, papillate teeth on apical margins; tip projected forwards. Basal calli 6–8, c. 2 mm long, clubbed. Lamina calli to 3 mm long, purplish red, densely crowded in central band. Column 12–14 × 4.5–5 mm, transparent, heavily marked with red; basal glands c. 2.5 mm long, club-shaped, white with red stalk, apex sometimes lobed.