Leaf 60–200 × 3–6 mm. Flower stem 150–300 mm tall, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 10–16 mm across, creamy yellow with broad, bold, dark red stripes and markings; sepals and petals with short glandular tips. Dorsal sepal erect or recurved away from column, 15–20 × 2–3 mm. Lateral sepals stiffly decurved against ovary, 12–15 × 1.5–3 mm. Petals similarly arranged, 12–15 × 1.5–2 mm. Labellum obliquely erect and projected out like a landing platform, 10–16 × 9–12 mm, creamy yellow with broad, radiating red lines; margins entire, recurved; apex with a small, projecting, V-shaped red or black glandular mass. Calli clubbed, to 2 mm long, dark purplish red, in 2 densely crowded rows. Column 10–12 × 6–8 mm, reddish.