Leaf lanceolate, 40–180 × 5–12 mm, densely hairy, often withered at flowering. Flower stem 160–650 mm tall, sturdy, 1-flowered. Flowers 45–50 mm across, green with dark red central stripes; sepals with thin, brown, glandular clubs 4–10 × 0.8 mm; petals lacking clubs. Dorsal sepal erect to incurved, 35–50 × 3–4 mm. Lateral sepals obliquely decurved, 30–40 × 4–5 mm, parallel or slightly divergent. Petals deflexed, 24–33 × 1.8–2.2 mm. Labellum delicately hinged, 14–17 × 17–20 mm, green with a small central white patch and dark maroon apex; basal margins with 3–8 pairs of thin erect comb-teeth to 8 mm long, distal margins with 3–6 pairs of short, papillate teeth; tip recurved. Basal calli 4–5 mm long. Lamina calli to 5 mm long, maroon, in 4 densely crowded rows onto base of maroon patch. Column incurved, 19–22 × 5–7 mm, transparent with pink to red flecks.
Locally common in inland areas; growing among forbs and scattered small shrubs in crevices and terraces on rocky slopes and dissected slabs of granite and porphyry rocks in freely draining, gravelly loam.