Leaf 80–150 × 5–10 mm. Flower stem 150–300 mm tall, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 45–60 mm across, cream to greenish yellow with reddish markings; sepals and petals with furrowed, greenish to brownish clubs 5–10 mm long (petal clubs shorter). Dorsal sepal erect, 25–35 × 3–5 mm. Lateral sepals stiffly downcurved, 20–35 × 3–5 mm, incurved, sometimes crossed. Petals stiffly downcurved, 20–30 × 2.5–3 mm. Labellum narrowly heart-shaped, 15–20 × 6–9 mm, curved, white with a blunt maroon apex; margins with numerous erect teeth to 5 mm long; tip decurved or shallowly recurved. Basal calli c. 3 mm long, abruptly larger than rest. Lamina calli to 2 mm long, maroon, in 4 close rows. Column 14–17 × 5–8 mm, transparent with red markings.
Highly localised and rare; restricted to about ten granite outcrops, growing under rock sheoak, wattles, and other shrubs in freely draining, gravelly loam.