Leaf 30–60 × 3 mm. Flower stem 100–200 mm tall, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 30–40 mm across, cream to yellowish with maroon stripes and markings; sepals with moderately thick, brown clubs 3–6 mm long; petals lacking clubs. Dorsal sepal erect and incurved, 12–30 × 1 mm. Lateral sepals spreading and downcurved, 12–30 × 1 mm, widely divergent. Petals similarly arranged or incurved towards ovary, 20–22 × 1 mm. Labellum heart-shaped, 12–13 × 8–10 mm, cream with broad, bold, red, radiating lines; margins recurved, entire; apex red, thickened, recurved. Calli clubbed, 7–12 pairs in 2 rows. Column 8–10 × 3.5–4.5 mm, translucent with reddish markings; basal glands absent or c. 1 mm long, inconspicuous.
Highly localised and rare; near Kalbarri it grows under tall shrubs on sandstone gorge escarpments; near Mullewa in mallee shrubland and at East Yuna Nature Reserve under shrubby sheoaks in sand over sandstone, usually in freely draining soil.