Leaf 100–160 × 5–20 mm. Flower stem 200–500 mm tall, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers 40–50 mm across, pale yellow to greenish yellow or tawny; sepals and petals with long, slender, brownish tips (no clubs). Dorsal sepal erect and incurved, 55–85 × 3–4 mm. Lateral sepals spreading with drooping tips, 55–85 × 3.5–6 mm, divergent. Petals similarly arranged, 40–70 × 2–2.5 mm. Labellum 15–19 × 8–10 mm, yellow to greenish yellow; margins with 5–7 pairs of reddish purple teeth to 2 mm long; tip recurved. Basal calli 4–6, c. 2 mm long, erect. Lamina calli to 2 mm long, reddish purple, in 4 or 6 rows to base of midlobe. Column 11–13 × 6–7 mm, yellowish; basal glands c. 1.3 mm long, ovoid, shiny yellow.
Localised in hilly country; growing among shrubs and tussocks in sparse to dense, stunted forest and tall open forest, in freely draining to moisture-retentive sands and shallow, stony clay loam.