Leaf 100–150 × 10–25 mm. Flower stem 200–400 mm tall, 1–3-flowered. Flowers 40–70 mm across, greenish to pale yellow or cream, sometimes with red markings, especially on labellum; sepals with small, dark red clubs 2–4 × 0.5 mm; petals lacking clubs. Dorsal sepal erect or recurved, 35–50 × 3–3.5 mm. Lateral sepals stiffly decurved, 35–50 × 3.5–4.5 mm, divergent. Petals backswept and semi-upright, 35–45 × 2–3 mm. Labellum 12–15 × 9–11 mm, cream to white with red markings; margins with 7–9 pairs of thick, reddish teeth to 2 mm long; tip recurved. Basal calli 4–6, c. 1.2 mm long, erect, often lobed. Lamina calli to 1.2 mm long, reddish, in 4 or 6 crowded rows onto base of midlobe. Column 11–13 × 4.5–5 mm, transparent with red markings; basal glands c. 1.8 mm long, club-shaped, yellow with a basal stalk.
Localised in coastal and near-coastal areas; growing in open sites in coastal mallee, heathland, and heathy forest or scrub, in freely draining sand.