Clustering, high-climbing, spiny palm to 20 m. or more in length.. Stems branching sympodially at the base, without sheaths 7–30 mm. in diameter; internodes 8–20 cm. long.. Leaf-sheaths very varied in armature from almost unarmed to densely spiny, with a marked knee below the petiole; spines black, flattened, up to 3 cm. long, occasionally seriate, interspersed with brown or grey indumentum; sometimes with clusters of upward pointing spines around the leaf-sheath mouth; ocrea present and usually conspicuous, dry, papyraceous, tongue-shaped, then splitting and becoming bilobed, to 12 cm. long, usually less, armed with spines, often paler and more bristle-like than those on the leaf-sheath or rarely unarmed.. Leaves ecirrate, to 1.75 m. long, usually less, with petiole to 20 cm.; petiole rounded abaxially, channelled adaxially, ± 5 mm. broad, variously armed with large black spines to 3 cm. long and small recurved black hooks; rachis triangular in section distally; leaflets ± concolorous, numerous, up to 30 on each side of the rachis, subequidistant to equidistant below, in most populations grouped in 3’s to 5’s distally, up to 35 cm. long by 2 cm. wide, widest about 1/3 distance from insertion, tapering to a long tip, the margins and main vein bristly throughout, somewhat plicate with up to 9 prominent secondary nerves, and prominent sinuous lateral veins.. Flagellum to 2 m. long by 4 mm. wide at the base, decreasing very gradually above, armed with small recurved hooks.. Male and ♀ inflorescences similar, to 2 m. long, with 1–4 partial inflorescences and a long terminal sterile flagellum; axis and bracts armed throughout with reflexed, solitary or grouped black spines; bracts tightly sheathing, up to 70 cm. long with an expanded, somewhat papyraceous limb ± 5 cm. long; partial inflorescences to 40 cm. long, with up to 15 or more rachillae on each side, subtended by bracts ± 2 cm. long (1 cm. exposed), with mouths ± 7 mm. wide and with a short triangular limb to 4 mm.; rachillae up to 7 cm. long, usually arcuate, arranged distichously; bracts distichous, closely approximate, dull brown in colour, somewhat ciliate-hairy around the mouth.. Male flowers solitary, distichous, with minute involucre to 1 mm. long; calyx 4 mm. long, tubular for 3/4 of its length, with 3 short, triangular, striate lobes; corolla-lobes to 7 mm. long by 2 mm. wide, joined at the base for ± 1 mm., widely diverging at anthesis; stamens to 4 mm. long, minutely epipetalous, with filaments to 3 mm. long, anthers ± 3 mm. long, medifixed; pollen yellow.. Sterile ♂ flower very similar to fertile ♂ but slightly shorter and narrower.. Female flower with calyx tubular at first and then splitting as the ovary increases in size, lobes ± 3 mm. long; corolla-lobes ± 5 × 2 mm., with 6 minutely epipetalous flattened staminodes; ovary ± 5 mm. long by 2.5 mm. wide, tipped by 3 stigmas ± 1 mm. long, markedly recurved at anthesis.. Fruit to 1.5 cm., by 1 cm. with a short beak to 2 mm. tipped by the stylar remains, with (15–17–18(–20) vertical rows of dull, pale brown scales, edged with darker brown.. Seed somewhat flattened laterally, ± 9 × 8 × 5 mm., with sarcotesta ± 1 mm. thick when dry, somewhat grooved, with homogeneous endosperm and basal embryo.. Fig. 8.
A palm or rattan. It is spiny and climbs 30 m high. The internodes are 15-20 cm long. The leaves have spines 1-5 cm long. The stem has long threads 2 m long with hooks.