Stamens 5, opposite the sepals; anthers with an apical gland; staminodes 5, petaloid, opposite the petals, inserted at the base of a cupuliform disk.
Ovary on an elongated gynophore, verrucose-glandular, 5-lobed, 5-locular; loculi 2-ovulate; style filiform, long; stigma small.
Fruit a globose woody verrucose stipitate 5-locular capsule; loculi 2-seeded, dehiscence valvate.
Leaves opposite, simple, exstipulate, petiolate, dotted with pellucid glands.
Seeds large, angular, black, shiny.
Tall trees with opposite branches.
Inflorescence a terminal panicle.
Flowers bisexual, large.
Sepals 5, small, ovate.
Petals 5, imbricate.