Inflorescences axillary with 1–4 flowers borne in each axil, stalked; bract and bracteoles 2–3, cupular or saucer-shaped, usually totally obscuring the pedicel, pubescent and with numerous colleters inside, each cupule with 2 stipule-derived and 2 leaf-derived lobes, the latter often linear or subfoliate.
Stamens 7–8, attached at the mouth of corolla tube, exserted, erect; filament about one third the length of the anther; anther narrowly linear-lanceolate with theca transversely divided into cells, apiculate at apex, scarcely hastate at base, attached about one third of their length from the base.
Seeds dark in colour, ± hemispherical, with a small depression at the apex or on the curved face near the apex; testa absent, surface smooth to somewhat rugulose at low power magnifications; endosperm dark purplish in colour (in preserved material), entire; embryo straight with inferior radicle.
Leaves opposite, petiolate, membranous to subcoriaceous, glabrous; domatia absent or present in axils of lateral nerves but rather inconspicuous, sparsely ciliate; stipules shortly sheathing with triangular limbs bearing a subulate to linear caducous lobe, pubescent and with colleters inside.
Ovary 2-locular; placentas small, fleshy, attached near the middle of the septum; ovules 1–2, deeply immersed in the placenta; style cylindrical, slender, glabrous, exceeding the corolla tube; pollen presenter exserted, 2-lobed.
Corolla white or ?yellow, glabrous outside; tube cylindrical below but widening above, slightly shorter or slightly longer than the lobes; lobes contorted to the left in bud, 7–8 spreading.
Calyx tube campanulate, obscured by the upper bracteolar cupule; limb truncate or with rudimentary teeth.
Fruit rather fleshy, 1–2-seeded; calyx limb persistent.
Flowers hermaphrodite, 7–8-merous.
Shrubs or small trees.
Disk annular.