Lip fleshy, obscurely 3-lobed, 4 × 4 mm, cordate, apiculate, erose on the margins; spur 13–16 mm long, slender but slightly swollen at the apex, ± parallel to the pedicel and ovary.
Inflorescences arising at stem base and in axils of lower leaves, 1–2-flowered. Peduncle 2–3 cm long, pubescent; ovary and pedicel c. 8 mm long, scabrid.
Dorsal sepal 4 × 2.2 mm, ovate or elliptic, subacute; lateral sepals 4.5 × 2.5 mm, obliquely falcate, fused at the base to enclose the base of the spur.
Leaves in 2–6 pairs, distichous, 4–8 × 0.3–0.6 cm, linear, conduplicate, unequally and obtusely 2-lobed at the apex.
Stem erect, up to c. 8 cm long; roots 1.5–2 mm in diameter, arising at base of plant.
Flowers non-resupinate, c. 8 mm in diameter, greenish to orange-straw-coloured.
Column 1–2 mm long; rostellum bifid, geniculate, curved back under column.
Petals 4 × 2 mm, oblong-lanceolate, acute.
Epiphytic herbs.