Trees, large, deciduous, unarmed, the trunk sometimes spindle-shaped. Leaves simple, petiolate, the stipules ovate, the blade entire or palmatilobate, sometimes cordate at the base. Flowers disposed in axillary, umbelliform cymes, hermaph-rodite, actinomorphous, pedicellate, 3-bracteolate, the bractlets fugacious; recep-tacle eglandular; calyx campanulate, 5-lobate, coriaceous, tufted-pubescent outside, accrescent; petals 5, adnate to the base of the staminal column, fleshy, tufted-pubescent; stamens numerous, the staminal column cylindric, narrowed near the apex, divided into many pentadelphous filaments, the anthers 1-thecate, reniform, medifixus, extrorse, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary superior, sessile, 3-to 5-celled, the cells 2-ovulate; style simple and filiform; stigma capitate to 5-lobulate. Capsules samaroid, coriaceous, with 5 membranous wings much enlarged laterally, 3-to 5-celled, generally monospermous; seeds large, oblong-fusiform, the testa striate-rimose, surrounded by a weak pulp; cotyledons thick and contortuplicate.