Centaurium erythraea Rafn

European centaury (en), Erythrée (fr), Petite-centaurée rouge (fr), Érythrée petite-centaurée (fr), Petite-centaurée érythrée (fr), Érythrée (fr), Petite-centaurée commune (fr)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Gentianaceae > Centaurium


Biennial, rarely annual herb. Stems 1–several, branching above, with (3–) 5–9 internodes below branches, 2–50 cm high. Basal leaves usually forming a dense rosette at flowering, ±sessile, obovate to ± spathulate, 10–50 mm long, 8–20 mm wide, usually obtuse, 3–7-veined. Stem leaves sessile, smaller and narrower than basal leaves, often acute. Inflorescence a ± dense, often corymbose dichasium; pedicels absent or to 1 mm long. Flowers (4-or) 5-merous, 10–12 mm diam. Calyx lobes c. 4 mm long. Corolla usually pale rose pink; tube 7–8 mm long, not narrowly constricted; lobes 5–6 mm long. Stamens (4 or) 5; anthers 1.6–2 mm long. Ovary 6–8 mm long; style c. 2 mm long; stigmas ±reniform. Capsule c. 6–8 mm long. Seeds c. 0.4 mm long, 0.3 mm wide, reticulate, reddish brown, semi-translucent.
Glabrous, erect annual or biennial with usually simple stems to c. 50 cm high and rosette of basal lvs persisting until after flowering. Basal lvs 1-4 × 0.5-2.2 cm, elliptic to obovate, 3-5-veined; apex rounded to ± mucronate. Cauline lvs smaller and narrower than basal, 3-veined; apex obtuse to acute. Infl. a corymbiform cyme; fls usually dense, sessile or shortly pedicellate. Bracts linear to lanceolate, > calyx. Calyx 4-6 mm long; lobes narrow-linear. Corolla 10-14 mm long; tube narrow-cylindric, white, pink towards apex; lobes 5-7 × c. 2 mm, elliptic, patent, usually pink, rarely white, obtuse or subacute. Stamens < corolla lobes. Capsule 8-10 mm long, fusiform. Seeds alveolate, minute, c. 0.2 mm long.
Erect biennial, 2–5 dm, branched above; cauline lvs lanceolate to oblong or narrowly elliptic, sessile, 2–4 cm; basal lvs smaller, petioled, forming a rosette; cymes terminating the stem and branches, trichotomously forked, corymbiform, each node bearing a pair of small linear bracts, a central fl, and 2 lateral branches; fls sessile, rose-purple; cal 3.5–5 mm; cor-tube 6–8 mm, the lobes elliptic, 5–6 mm; 2n mostly = 40. Native of Eur. and w. Asia, intr. in waste places here and there in the n. part of our range. June–Sept. (C. centaurium; C. umbellatum)
A herb. It grows 15-50 cm tall. The leaves are in a ring at the base. The leaves at the base are oval to sword shaped and 3-4 cm long by 1-2 cm wide. The leaves on the stem are 1-3 cm long and 5-15 mm wide. These do not have stalks and get smaller up the stem. The fruit is a capsule 7-9 mm long.
Life form biennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread anemochory
Mature width (meter) 0.15
Mature height (meter) 0.1 - 0.5
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Naturalised throughout Australia in waste places, lawns andpastures, also invasive of natural habitats subject to some disturbance.
Open woods, meadows and dry grasslands, often on chalky soils.
It is a temperate or Mediterranean plant.
Light 6-9
Soil humidity 2-7
Soil texture 3-5
Soil acidity 4-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-10


The flowers are used to flavour wine. The leaves are dried for tea.
Uses dye environmental use food medicinal seasoning brandy tea
Edible flowers leaves
Therapeutic use Bitter-Principle (unspecified), Febrifuge (unspecified), Catarrh (unspecified), Cholagogue (unspecified), Detersive (unspecified), Dysentery (unspecified), Emmenagogue (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Stomachic (unspecified), Vermifuge (unspecified), Depurative (unspecified), Cancer(Stomach) (unspecified), Digestive (unspecified), Tonic (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 14 - 30
Germination temperacture (C°) 21
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -12
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Centaurium erythraea habit picture by Jäger Latein (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea habit picture by Boumlik Messaïli (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea habit picture by Philippe Levarlet (cc-by-sa)


Centaurium erythraea leaf picture by Clotilde ROMERO-BESEGHER (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea leaf picture by Fernandez David (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea leaf picture by Jäger Latein (cc-by-sa)


Centaurium erythraea flower picture by djrage (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea flower picture by Martin Hána (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea flower picture by Alessandro Cappellini (cc-by-sa)


Centaurium erythraea fruit picture by Pierre LEON (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea fruit picture by Monte Boi (cc-by-sa)
Centaurium erythraea fruit picture by Francois Mansour (cc-by-sa)


Centaurium erythraea world distribution map, present in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, New Zealand, and United States of America

Conservation status

Centaurium erythraea threat status: Least Concern


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:326619-2
WFO ID wfo-0000593916
BDTFX ID 15567
INPN ID 89840
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Centaurium capitatum Centaurium lomae Centaurium umbellatum Erythraea capitata Erythraea centaurium Erythraea germanica Erythraea latifolia Gentiana centaurium Centaurium centaurium Centaurium corymbosum Centaurium minus Centaurium vulgare Chironia centaurium Chironia erythraea Erythraea lomae Erythraea vulgaris Gonipia linearis Libadion variabile Hippocentaurea centaurium Erythraea corymbosa Xolemia palustris Erythraea shuttleworthiana Gentiana palustris Erythraea centaurium Centaurium latifolium Centaurium minus Centaurella dichotoma Gentiana gerardii Centaurium erythraea var. capitatum Centaurium erythraea var. fasciculare Centaurium erythraea var. laxum Centaurium erythraea var. masclansii Centaurium erythraea var. subcapitatum Centaurium erythraea var. sublitorale Centaurium minus var. austriacum Centaurium minus var. transiens Centaurium umbellatum subsp. austriacum Chironia centaurium var. fascicularis Erythraea centaurium var. sublitoralis Erythraea centaurium var. transiens Erythraea centaurium var. subcapitata Erythraea centaurium var. laxa Erythraea centaurium var. acutiflora Erythraea centaurium var. grandiflora Centaurium minus subsp. austriacum Centaurium umbellatum f. album Erythraea centaurium f. itatiaiaensis Centaurium erythraea subsp. austriacum Centaurium erythraea subsp. austriacum Centaurium umbellatum var. fasciculare Centaurium erythraea

Lower taxons

Centaurium erythraea subsp. apertum Centaurium erythraea subsp. bernardii Centaurium erythraea subsp. enclusense Centaurium erythraea subsp. grandiflorum Centaurium erythraea subsp. limoniiforme Centaurium erythraea subsp. rumelicum Centaurium erythraea subsp. suffruticosum Centaurium erythraea subsp. turcicum Centaurium erythraea subsp. majus