Trees, unarmed. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, the leaflets several, opposite or subopposite, the glandular-lepidote blades with the costa immersed or sub-prominulous; stipules inequilaterally ovate. Panicles terminal, densely flowered; bracteoles located above the middle of the pedicel. Flowers with the hypanthium subturbinate to campanulate, the upper teeth united, obtuse, the lower teeth acute; vexillum broadly ovate or orbicular; stamens 10, monadelphous, the sheath open above, the anthers versatile; ovary stipitate, the stipe rarely surrounded by a disk, the ovules 2-3, the style slender, curved, the stigma capitate. Fruits large, samaroid, indehiscent, the seminiferous area proximal, bearing a stylar spine, venose, glandu-lar-lepidote; seeds subreniform, separated by transverse or oblique partitions.