Herb, annual, with slender tap root, and dense glandular and few eglandular hairs. Stems erect, diffusely branched, 7–30 cm high. Leaves sessile, oblanceolate to ovate, acute, 5–20 mm long, 2–7 (–10) mm wide. Inflorescence moderately lax, few-flowered; bracts entirely herbaceous. Flowers usually 4-merous, 3–6 mm diam.; pedicels longer than sepals, much longer than capsule; fruiting pedicels densely retrorse-villous. Calyx glandular-pilose. Sepals 4–9 mm long, ovate to lanceolate, acute to acuminate; hairs not longer than apex. Petals ± 75% the length of sepals, ± 20% bifid. Styles 4 (5). Capsule 5–10 mm long, cylindrical, usually straight. Seeds 0.4–0.7 mm diam., chestnut brown, colliculate to bluntly tuberculate.
Glandular-puberulent annual to 3 dm; lvs 0.5–2 cm, the lower oblanceolate to spatulate, the upper ovate to elliptic; bracts usually herbaceous; pedicels much longer than the sep; fls mostly 4(5)-merous; sep 4–7 mm; pet shorter than the sep; stamens 4(5); fr with 8(10) teeth; 2n=72. European weed, casually intr. with us, as in Ill. Ours is var. diffusum.