Cerastium L.

Mouse-ear chickweed (en), Céraiste (fr)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Caryophyllaceae


Herbs, annual, winter annual, or perennial. Taproots slender, perennial taxa often rhizomatous, rooting at nodes. Stems ascending to erect or decumbent, simple or branched, terete. Leaves basally connate, petiolate (basal in some species) or sessile (cauline); blade 1-5-veined, linear or elliptic to broadly ovate, not succulent (except in C. bialynickii, C. regelii, and C. viride), apex acute to obtuse. Inflorescences terminal, open or congested cymes, or flowers solitary, axillary (racemosely arranged in C. axillare); bracts paired, foliaceous or reduced, herbaceous or often with scarious margins. Pedicels erect, sometimes reflexed or hooked at apex in fruit, or flowers sometimes subsessile (C. regelii). Flowers bisexual, occasionally unisexual and pistillate; perianth and androecium hypogynous or weakly perigynous; hypanthium minimal; sepals (4-)5, distinct, green (red-tipped in C. glomeratum and C. pumilum, often violet-tipped in C. alpinum, purple in C. bialynickii, turning pale orange-brown in fruit in C. texanum), elliptic to ovate, 3-12 mm, herbaceous, margins translucent to purplish, scarious, apex acute, acuminate, or obtuse, not hooded; petals (4-)5 or sometimes absent, white (purple tinged in C. pumilum and C. regelii), clawed, blade apex 2-fid 1/ 1/ 2 of length, notched, or emarginate; nectaries at base of filaments opposite sepals; stamens usually 10, sometimes 5 or 8, occasionally 4; filaments distinct, inserted at base of ovary; staminodes absent or 1-4 (via anther abortion), linear; styles (3-)5(-6), clavate to filiform, 0.5-2 mm, glabrous proximally; stigmas (3-)5(-6), subterminal to linear along adaxial surface of styles, roughened to papillate (30×). Capsules oblong or cylindric, usually ± curved, opening by 10, or occasionally 6 or 8, erect or spreading, convolute or revolute teeth, longer than sepals; carpophore absent. Seeds 15-150+, orange to brown, angular-obovate, often with abaxial groove, laterally compressed, papillate-tuberculate, marginal wing absent, appendage absent. x = [9?, 13, 15] 17, 18, 19.
Annual or perennial, usually pubescent, erect or decumbent herbs. Leaves opposite, usually sessile or subsessile, exstipulate, often viscid. Flowers few in dichasial cymes, white. Sepals 5, rarely 4, not connate. Petals as many as the sepals, rarely absent, emarginate or 2-cleft, white. Stamens 10, occasionally less; anthers versatile, 2-celled, longitudinally dehiscent; filaments flattened, scarcely if at all connate to form an obscurely glandular annulus. Ovary superior; carpels 5, rarely fewer, with as many distinct styles, the many campylotropous ovules arising from basal or central placentae. Capsule often arcuate (hence the generic name), dehiscing longitudinally into as many deeply emarginate valves as there are styles; seeds numerous, cochleate, usually tuberculate, estrophiolate, the embryo coiled about the perisperm.
Herbs annual or perennial, pubescent and/or glandular pubescent, rarely glabrous. Stems usually caespitose, sometimes slightly woody at base. Leaves ovate, elliptic, or lanceolate. Inflorescence terminal, a dichasial cyme, dense or lax, sometimes flowers solitary. Sepals (4 or)5, free. Petals (4 or)5, sometimes absent, white, apex usually 2-lobed or retuse, rarely entire. Stamens (3 or 5 or)10; nectaries present. Ovary 1-loculed; ovules numerous. Styles 3--5, inserted opposite sepals. Capsule golden yellowish, cylindric, sometimes subequaling but usually exceeding calyx, hard, thin, brittle, dehiscing by 2 × as many teeth as styles; teeth slightly curved, sometimes straight or revolute. Seeds numerous, globose or reniform, compressed, usually tuberculate; embryo annular.
Annual or perennial herbs, often glandular hairy, rather small, often caespitose, erect, procumbent or prostrate. Stems terete or slightly quadrangular. Leaves exstipulate, sessile or shortly petiolate. Flowers solitary or in few-to many-flowered dichasia, axillary or terminal. Sepals 5 (or 4), free, often with scarious margin. Petals 5 (or 4), white, eMarginate to bifid up to nearly half their length, rarely absent. Stamens 5 or most often 10 (or 8) inserted on a disc. Ovary (3-)5-carpellate, with numerous ovules; styles (3-)5. Capsule with twice as many teeth as there are styles, often curved and exserted from the calyx; opening by (6-)10 teeth, not more than 1/3 of the capsule length. Seeds reniform, spherical to broadly ovoid or compressed, verrucose.
Herbs, annual or perennial, rarely undershrubs (not in Australia), usually hairy. Stems decumbent to erect. Leaves opposite, petiolate or sessile, linear to broadly ovate; stipules absent; bracts herbaceous to subscarious. Flowers usually in cymes, rarely solitary, usually 5-merous, bisexual. Sepals 4 or 5, free. Petals white, emarginate to bifid, sometimes absent. Stamens 4, 5 or (8–) 10. Ovary 1-celled; styles usually (4) 5 (rarely 3 or 6 outside Australia). Capsule oblong, usually ± curved, opening by twice as many teeth as styles. Seeds numerous (c. 50–150), discoid or subnautiloid, tuberculate.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes subshrubs. Hairs usually dense, glandular and/or eglandular, rarely 0. Lvs opposite, exstipulate. Infl. cymose, sometimes reduced to solitary fl.; bracts and sepals herbaceous or with narrow to wide scarious margins; epicalyx 0. Sepals 5, free. Petals 5, white, emarginate or 2-fid up to ⅓ way, rarely 0; coronal scales 0. Stamens usually 10, sometimes 8, 5 or fewer. Styles (3)-5-(6). Fr. a cylindric capsule, often curved, dehiscing by twice as many short apical teeth as the styles, sessile. Seeds many, obovoid, spherical or reniform, tuberculate, not winged.
As in terminal cymes, or sometimes solitary; sep (4)5; pet (4)5, retuse to bifid or seldom entire, or occasionally wanting; stamens (4–)10; styles (3–)5; capsule usually surpassing the sep, cylindric, membranous, often curved, dehiscent by (6–)10 short apical teeth; seeds numerous, obovate-reniform, dorsally grooved, papillate-tuberculate; low annual or perennial herbs with rather small, opposite, exstipulate lvs. 100, widespread.
Capsule ellipsoid to cylindric, often somewhat curved, longer than the persistent sepals, or rarely as long as the sepals, opening by 6–10 apical, equal, short, erect or revolute teeth.
Inflorescences terminal, dichotomous, often umbelliform, occasionally with solitary flowers; bracts herbaceous or with membranous margins.
Seeds ± numerous, laterally somewhat flattened, discoid or reniform, granular or verrucose.
Leaves opposite, sessile or subsessile, flat or rarely subulate, entire, exstipulate.
Petals white, emarginate or bifid, sometimes absent.
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely small shrubs.
Ovary multiovulate; styles (3) 4–5, free.
Flowers bisexual, 4-merous or 5-merous.
Stems simple or dichotomously branched.
Sepals free with membranous margins.
Stamens 5 + 5 or fewer by reduction.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 5 - 10
Germination temperacture (C°) 15
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cerastium unspecified picture


Cerastium world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30008700-2
WFO ID wfo-4000007327
BDTFX ID 86128
INPN ID 190485
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Cerastium tolucense Cerastium lanceolatum Cerastium cuatrecasasii Cerastium qingliangfengicum Cerastium wilhelmianum Cerastium afromontanum Cerastium aleuticum Cerastium alexeenkoanum Cerastium annae Cerastium argenteum Cerastium argentinum Cerastium armeniacum Cerastium atlanticum Cerastium barberi Cerastium beeringianum Cerastium biebersteinii Cerastium boissierianum Cerastium brachypetalum Cerastium brachypodum Cerastium carinthiacum Cerastium cephalanthum Cerastium chilense Cerastium chlorifolium Cerastium crassipes Cerastium crassiusculum Cerastium decalvans Cerastium diazi Cerastium dichotomum Cerastium dicrotrichum Cerastium dinaricum Cerastium dubium Cerastium fastigiatum Cerastium filifolium Cerastium holosteum Cerastium illyricum Cerastium julicum Cerastium junceum Cerastium juniperorum Cerastium madagascariense Cerastium madrense Cerastium malyi Cerastium maximum Cerastium meyerianum Cerastium mollissimum Cerastium multiflorum Cerastium nigrescens Cerastium novoguinense Cerastium nutans Cerastium pauciflorum Cerastium perfoliatum Cerastium regelii Cerastium siculum Cerastium sinaloense Cerastium sinicum Cerastium smolikanum Cerastium soratense Cerastium spathulatum Cerastium subtriflorum Cerastium szowitsii Cerastium texanum Cerastium transsilvanicum Cerastium trianae Cerastium trichocalyx Cerastium utriense Cerastium vagans Cerastium velutinum Cerastium viride Cerastium viscatum Cerastium wilsonii Cerastium verecundum Cerastium amanum Cerastium andinum Cerastium arabidis Cerastium araraticum Cerastium arcticum Cerastium axillare Cerastium ballsii Cerastium brevicarpicum Cerastium cacananense Cerastium candicans Cerastium candidissimum Cerastium capense Cerastium capillatum Cerastium cerastoides Cerastium comatum Cerastium commersonianum Cerastium cuchumatanense Cerastium dagestanicum Cerastium danguyi Cerastium davuricum Cerastium deschatresii Cerastium eriophorum Cerastium fischerianum Cerastium flavescens Cerastium fragillimum Cerastium furcatum Cerastium glabratum Cerastium gnaphalodes Cerastium gracile Cerastium grandiflorum Cerastium guatemalense Cerastium kasbek Cerastium haussknechtii Cerastium hemschinicum Cerastium hieronymi Cerastium hintoniorum Cerastium kotschyi Cerastium lacaitae Cerastium lazicum Cerastium ligusticum Cerastium limprichtii Cerastium lineare Cerastium lithospermifolium Cerastium longifolium Cerastium macranthum Cerastium macrocalyx Cerastium meridense Cerastium nanum Cerastium nemorale Cerastium neoscardicum Cerastium obovatum Cerastium octandrum Cerastium odessanum Cerastium oreades Cerastium orithales Cerastium papuanum Cerastium parvipetalum Cerastium pedunculare Cerastium persicum Cerastium polymorphum Cerastium ponticum Cerastium pospichalii Cerastium pseudokasbek Cerastium purpurascens Cerastium purpusii Cerastium pusillum Cerastium racemosum Cerastium ramigerum Cerastium rectum Cerastium rivulare Cerastium rivulariastrum Cerastium ruderale Cerastium runemarkii Cerastium saccardoanum Cerastium scaposum Cerastium scaranii Cerastium schizopetalum Cerastium selloi Cerastium subpilosum Cerastium subspicatum Cerastium sugawarae Cerastium supramontanum Cerastium sventenii Cerastium sylvaticum Cerastium szechuense Cerastium takasagomontanum Cerastium terrae-novae Cerastium theophrasti Cerastium thomasii Cerastium thomsonii Cerastium tianschanicum Cerastium tucumanense Cerastium undulatifolium Cerastium venezuelanum Cerastium verticifolium Cerastium vidalii Cerastium falcatum Cerastium brevicarpum Cerastium vulcanicum Cerastium alsinifolium Cerastium behmianum Cerastium berteroanum Cerastium borisii Cerastium emesenum Cerastium fasciculatum Cerastium microspermum Cerastium morrisonense Cerastium mucronatum Cerastium pisidicum Cerastium taschkendicum Cerastium peruvianum Cerastium humifusum Cerastium baischanense Cerastium banaticum Cerastium bialynickii Cerastium dominici Cerastium moesiacum Cerastium subciliatum Cerastium vourinense Cerastium gibraltaricum Cerastium latifolium Cerastium kunthii Cerastium pumilum Cerastium diffusum Cerastium pedunculatum Cerastium soleirolii Cerastium floccosum Cerastium uniflorum Cerastium fontanum Cerastium alpinum Cerastium semidecandrum Cerastium imbricatum Cerastium tomentosum Cerastium glomeratum Cerastium arvense