Leaves thinly coriaceous, very neatly arranged and of uniform shape, characteristically deflexed on the stems, yellowish green above and below; petiole 3-4 mm. long, glabrous; lamina 3·4–5·5 x 1·3–2·3 cm., ovate, narrowly ovate or lanceolate with distinct round-tipped acumen and obtuse base.
Corolla tube 10–13 mm. long, slender, inflated in the lowest third, outer surface glabrous, inner surface shortly pilose in the lower half and near the mouth; corolla lobes ± equalling tube, narrowly elliptic, glabrous or inner margins sometimes ciliate.
Upper leaf surface glossy, glabrous, with impressed midrib and raised lateral nerves and reticulation; lateral nerves closely spaced, joining in a well-marked marginal vein; lower surface mat, glabrous, with all nerves raised.
Fruit up to 6·5 x 3·5 cm., pyriform or obovoid, green, yellow or orange with scattered brownish lenticels, the surface somewhat rugose, edible with refreshing taste.
Young stems glabrous or shortly pubescent and soon glabrescent, chestnut-brown at first, becoming purple-brown.
Inflorescences compact, terminal and lateral, few-flowered cymes; axes glabrous or sparsely pubescent.
Calyx c. 1·5 mm. long, lobes rounded-triangular, free to base, dorsally glabrous, minutely ciliate.
Stamens inserted 2–3·5 mm. from the base of the corolla tube, anthers 1 mm. long.
Suffrutex with erect, straight, sparingly branched stems up to 1 m. high.
Ovary subglobose, 1 mm. long, minutely pubescent at apex.
Flowers white tinged pink, sweet-scented.
Style, clavuncle and stigma 1 mm. long.
Seeds 3–4 per fruit, c. 3 cm. long.
Tendrils absent.