Apocynaceae Juss.


Angiosperms > Gentianales


Monoecious or rarely functionally dioecious or gynodioecious (not in Australia) annual to perennial herbs, vines, shrubs or trees, sometimes succulent, glabrous or pubescent with non-glandular, basifixed or medifixed multicellular hairs; latex white or clear, rarely yellow or red (not in Australia). Stems with or without spines. Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, petiolate or sessile, simple, entire or rarely lobed, sometimes greatly reduced and scale-like or early caducous, herbaceous, coriaceous or rarely fleshy; stipules absent or small and caducous; colleters absent or present at lamina base; domatia rarely present abaxially in axils of veins. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, cymose, thyrsoid, paniculiform, umbelliform or racemiform or flowers solitary, bracteate. Flowers (4-or) 5-merous, actinomorphic (rarely weakly zygomorphic), bisexual or rarely functionally unisexual. Calyx deeply lobed, with or without colleters inside at base. Corolla funnel-shaped, salverform, tubular or subrotate; lobes contorted, imbricate or valvate in bud; corolline or gynostegial coronas often present (sometimes absent). Stamens 5, inserted on corolla tube, on staminal feet, or on staminal tube; anthers 2-locular or 4-locular, often with wing-like lignified margins, attached to the style head forming a gynostegium or free from style head; pollen loose single grains, in loose tetrads, in tetrads weakly bound into pollinia, or single pollen grains tightly bound into pollinia by a waxy outer covering. Nectary disc absent or present as a ring around ovary base, or on sides of staminal feet or staminal tube between stamens. Ovary superior or semi-inferior, 2–5-carpellate, apocarpous or syncarpous, upper parts of carpels forming complex style head that produces pollen dispersal aids, often with pollen-trapping basal collar and/or pollen-presenting upper crest; ovules few to numerous; placentation axile or parietal when syncarpous, marginal when apocarpous; stigma mostly on underside of style head or restricted to lateral chambers behind wing-like lignified margins of anthers. Pollen dispersal aids a foam-like or mucilaginous adhesive, a scooplike pollen receptacle with a sticky base (translator) or five hard clips (corpuscles), usually accompanied by five pairs of flexible arms (caudicles). Fruit a follicle or pair of follicles, a drupe, capsule or berry. Seeds few to numerous, often flattened; comose with many brown to white hairs at micropylar end or around entire seed, or ecomose, rarely arillate; embryo straight; endosperm present.
Trees, shrubs, lianas, or sometimes herbs (not in our area, except introduced ones); latex nearly always present, usually white, sometimes clear, yellow or red. Leaves simple, opposite, whorled, or less often alternate (as in Adenium), pinnately veined, entire, rarely stipulate. Flowers bisexual, mostly actinomorphic, 5-or rarely 4-merous, fragrant. Calyx often with colleters inside, free or united at the base, imbricate in bud. Corolla tubular, contorted or occasionally valvate, free, overlapping to the right or left in bud, sometimes with a corona. Stamens included or exserted, epipetalous, free or connate to the style; filaments often very short, epipetalous; anthers frequently triangular, of two cells longitudinally dehiscent, often partly sterile, sometimes with apical appendages. Ovary superior or sometimes partly inferior, 1-celled and with 2 parietal placentas, 2-celled and with an axile placenta in each cell or composed of 2, or more, separate or at the base partly united carpels each with an adaxial placenta; ovules 2 to many; style one, often split at the base when carpels more or less separate; pistil head composed of a large variously shaped stigmatic basal part and a stigmoid apex; disk annular, cupular, composed of separate glands, or absent. Fruit entire or consisting of two (rarely more) separate or partly united carpels, baccate, drupaceous, or follicular. Seeds in dry fruits often winged or with a coma, mostly with an endosperm and a large embryo
Trees, shrubs, or vines, rarely subshrubs or herbs, with latex or rarely watery juice. Leaves simple, opposite, rarely whorled or alternate, pinnately veined; stipules absent or rarely present. Inflorescences cymose, terminal or axillary, with bracteoles. Flowers bisexual, 5-[or 4]-merous, actinomorphic. Calyx 5-or rarely 4-partite, quincuncial, basal glands usually present. Corolla 5-or rarely 4-lobed, salverform, funnelform, urceolate, or rarely rotate, lobes overlapping to right or left, rarely valvate. Stamens 5 or rarely 4; filaments short; anthers mostly sagittate, free or connivent into a cone adherent to pistil head, dehiscing longitudinally, base rounded, cordate, sagittate, or prolonged into an empty spur; pollen granular; disc ringlike or cup-shaped, 2-5-lobed, or absent. Ovaries superior, rarely half-inferior, connate or distinct, 1-or 2-locular; ovules (1 or) 2-numerous per locule. Style 1; pistil head capitate, conical, or lampshade-shaped, base stigmatic, apex 2-cleft and not stigmatic. Fruit a berry, drupe, capsule, or follicle. Seeds with or without coma; endosperm thick and often horny, scanty, sometimes absent; embryo straight or nearly so, cotyledons often large, radicle terete.
Ovary superior or sometimes partly inferior, 1-celled and with 2 parietal placentas, 2-celled and with an axile placenta in each cell, or composed of 2, rarely more, separate or at the base partly united carpels each with an adaxial placenta; ovules 2 to many; style one, often split at the base when carpels more or less separate; stigma composed of a large variously shaped part, usually called the clavuncula, with laterally and/or basally the receptive zone, which is — if stigma coherent with the anthers — below the level of coherence, and a small apical usually sterile (also in FZ) so-called stigma
Stamens inserted on the corolla; filaments free from each other or exceptionally (not in FZ area) united in a tube, often very short, frequently continued downwards as ridges at the corolla inside; anthers frequently triangular, connivent over and often coherent with the stigma, 2-celled, often partly sterile, sometimes with apical appendages; cells parallel, discrete, dehiscent throughout by a longitudinal slit
Stamens 5 or rarely 4, inserted in the tube; filaments free or rarely united; anthers often sagittate, free or connivent around the stigma, rarely adherent to the latter, 2-celled, opening lengthwise, connective often produced at the apex; pollen granular; disk usually present, annular, cupular or of separate glands
Ovary superior, 1-celled with 2 parietal placentas or 2-celled with the placentas adnate to the septa, or carpels 2 and free or connate only at the base with ventral placentas in each carpel
Fruit entire or consisting of two, rarely more, separate or partly united carpels, baccate, drupaceous, or follicular
Style 1, split at the base or entire, thickened and stigmatose below the apex; ovules 2 or more in each carpel
Seeds mostly with endosperm and large straight embryo, often winged or appendaged with long silky hairs
Corolla tubular, sometimes with a corona; lobes contorted or occasionally (not in FZ area) valvate
Leaves opposite or verticillate, rarely alternate, simple, entire; stipules usually absent
Seeds in dry fruits often winged or with a coma, mostly with endosperm and a large embryo
Fruit entire and indehiscent or of 2 separate carpels, baccate, drupaceous or follicular
Leaves opposite, whorled, or less often alternate, simple, pinnately veined, entire
Corolla tubular, variously shaped; lobes contorted-imbricate, very rarely valvate
Trees, shrubs, lianas, or sometimes herbs, mostly with white sticky latex
Trees, shrubs or climbers, rarely perennial herbs, with latex
Disk annular, cupular, composed of separate glands, or absent
Flowers bisexual, mostly actinomorphic, 5-or rarely 4-merous
Calyx often glandular inside; lobes 5 or rarely 4, imbricate
Flowers hermaphrodite, actinomorphic
Calyx often with colleters inside
Stipules usually absent
Pollen granular
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


The family contains a number of food plants used by aboriginal groups, such as Brachystelma glabriflorum and various species of Marsdenia (Forster 1996). A number of taxa have showy flowers or unusual, succulent stems and are extensively cultivated in gardens or specialist collections, e.g. species of Asclepias, Hoya, Dischidia, Nerium, Plumeria, Stapelia and allied genera, and Tabernaemontana (Forster 1996, Judd et al. 2008). Several drugs have been isolated from species of Apocynaceae including antileukemia drugs from Catharanthus, hypertension drugs from Rauvolfia and drugs for heart ailments from Strophanthus (Judd et al. 2008).
Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Apocynaceae unspecified picture
Apocynaceae unspecified picture


Apocynaceae world distribution map, present in Australia and China


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30000008-2
WFO ID wfo-7000000038
BDTFX ID 100971
INPN ID 187395
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Asclepiadaceae Apocynaceae

Lower taxons

Trachelospermum Allamanda Blepharodon Cameraria Cerbera Cycladenia Ephippiocarpa Epigynum Fischeria Gongronema Hypolobus Jobinia Lachnostoma Neobracea Nephradenia Parepigynum Pentalinon Picralima Plectaneia Schizostephanus Scyphostelma Secamone Secamonopsis Secondatia Stenostelma Strempeliopsis Streptocaulon Tabernanthe Tacazzea Tassadia Thevetia Treutlera Vallesia Zygostelma x Huernialluma x Tavarorbea x Tromostapelia Anemotrochus Duvaliaranthus Staparesia Vallaris Catharanthus Cordylogyne Diplorhynchus Dischidia Haplophyton Hylaea Ibatia Kibatalia Lygisma Mascarenhasia Microplumeria Monolluma Odontadenia Orthanthera Pachypodium Parapodium Pattalias Peplonia Pergularia Rhigospira Sacleuxia Araujia Telectadium Tintinnabularia Landolphia Vinca Vincetoxicum Rhabdadenia Holarrhena Hoya Orbea Nerium Anechites Buckollia Alstonia Atherandra Fanninia Mahawoa Mondia Oxystelma x Brachypelia x Carallithos Alyxia Ditassa Hemipogon Malouetia Prestonia Allowoodsonia Crioceras Cylindropsis Skytanthus Stathmostelma Ophionella Gyrostelma Rhytidostemma Astephanus Asketanthera Mortoniella Adenium Amphineurion Amsonia Barjonia Calyptranthera Carissa Carruthersia Ceropegia Chilocarpus Chlorocyathus Craspidospermum Cyclocotyla Ectadium Edithcolea Forsteronia Galactophora Genianthus Gonioma Hancornia Hemidesmus Hoodiapelia Huernia Hunteria Jasminanthes Laubertia Leptadenia Leuconotis Margaretta Miraglossum Notechidnopsis Ochrosia Oncinotis Pachycarpus Pectinaria Periploca Pherotrichis Phyllanthera Plumeria Pseudolithos Pteralyxia Ptycanthera Pycnobotrya Pycnorhachis Quaqua Rauvolfia Riocreuxia Ruehssia Sarcorrhiza Schubertia Spirolobium Stapelianthus Stapeliopsis Stipecoma Stomatostemma Toxocarpus Vahadenia Wattakaka Xysmalobium x Huerniorbea x Frernia x Gonodentea x Stuernia x Huernianthus Calciphila Cristobalia Morilloa Pruskortizia Richtersveldia Alafia Dewevrella Baroniella Cibirhiza Condylocarpon Kerbera Macroscepis Nautonia Ischnolepis Metastelma Macropharynx Molongum Thenardia Isonema Phaeostemma Philibertia Pseudolachnostoma Microloma Stephanostegia Angadenia Cerberiopsis Cascabela Caudanthera Cleghornia Dregea Duvaliandra Eucorymbia Gomphocarpus Gunnessia Gymnanthera Petalostelma Woodia Anatropanthus Duvalia Decanema Desmidorchis Echidnopsis Elytropus Ampelamus Petchia Pacouria Saba Macoubea Artia Ambelania Geissospermum Apocynum Aspidosperma Chonemorpha Cynanchum Funastrum Goniostemma Gonolobus Gymnema Ichnocarpus Pentasacme Telosma Anodendron Asclepias Ballyanthus Baynesia Cosmostigma Dolichopetalum Parsonsia Urceola Acokanthera Aganosma Caralluma Conomitra Decalepis Dyera Echites Epistemma Finlaysonia Luckhoffia Micholitzia Myriopteron Oncinema Papuechites Pentopetia Raphionacme Rhyssolobium Schistonema Schlechterella Sisyranthus Socotrella Solenostemma Stapelia Stigmatorhynchus Tabernaemontana White-sloanea x Orbeotriche x Hoodiorbea x Hoodiotriche Orbelia x Tridentapelia Calotropis Kopsia Amalocalyx Baissea Bousigonia Campestigma Clitandra Eustegia Kanahia Pentatropis Topea Periglossum Maclaudia Pottsia Rhytidocaulon Stelmagonum Tavaresia Thyrsanthella Tridentea Wrightia Streptoechites Minaria Vailia Baseonema Pervillaea Asterostemma Temnadenia Oxypetalum Willughbeia Orthosia Marsdenia Tromotriche Matelea Mandevilla Heterostemma Piaranthus Larryleachia Schizoglossum Emicocarpus Hoodia Sarcolobus Micrechites Tweedia Lacmellea Melodinus x Huernivalia Neoschumannia x Stapvalia Anisopus Aspidoglossum Bahiella Orthopichonia Thoreauea Hiepia Dictyophleba Ixodonerium Schizozygia Sindechites Spongiosperma Stephanotis Tylodontia Tressensia Aspidonepsis Brachystelma Mucoa Diplolepis Lepinia Allomarkgrafia Australluma Baharuia Rhazya Himatanthus Lavrania Lepiniopsis Manothrix Mesechites Polystemma Rojasia Chamaeclitandra Anisotoma Trichosandra Fockea Emplectanthus Kamettia Motandra Batesanthus Monsanima Beaumontia Calocrater Glossostelma Neocouma Farquharia Stephanostema Pinochia Heynella Oistonema Oreosparte Pentacyphus Apteranthes Boucerosia Parahancornia Ancylobothrys Camptocarpus Couma Laxoplumeria Cryptolepis Cryptostegia Cionura Dischidanthus Dischidiopsis Ecua Callichilia Carvalhoa Funtumia Pleiocarpa Pleioceras Strophanthus Voacanga