Stamens 5, sessile, inserted at the base of the upper region of the corolla tube; anthers conniving in a cone round the gynoecium, polliniferous in upper part only, joined to the clavuncle by a retinacle.
Corolla hypocrateriform; tube divided into two distinct regions of varying shape and proportions; lobes 5, with induplicate aestivation, straight in bud or twisted to the right.
Ovary of 2 free multiovulate carpels, glabrous or hairy; style pubescent; clavuncle swollen; stigma pointed or flared at apex, not bifid.
Receptacular disc cupular or represented by separate oppositipetalous scales, these sometimes united in pairs.
Flowers often large and conspicuous, solitary or in few-flowered fasciculate cymes, terminal.
Calyx lobes imbricate, free to base, with many glandular scales inside at the base.
Leaves opposite, exstipulate, without domatia, with petiolar glands.
Seeds linear-compressed with an apical coma; endosperm absent.
Shrubs or small trees with milky latex.
Fruit of 2 follicular mericarps.
Spines and tendrils absent.