Corolla hypocrateriform; tube usually pubescent on outer surface, lobes contorted, overlapping to the left, fringed with white hairs.
Stamens inserted in the lower half of the corolla tube; filaments very short, anthers introrse, dorsifixed, with carina.
Ovary hairy, uni-or bilocular, placentation axile or parietal with very prominent placentae, ovules 8.
Fruit a many-seeded berry with densely velutinous surface; sclerified layer absent; pulp edible.
Style glabrous; clavuncle cylindrical or ovoid; stigma bifid but with arms connivent.
Cymes grouped into long terminal panicles with sensitive branches.
Seeds endospermous, firmly embedded in the placental pulp.
Calyx lobes imbricate, united at the base.
Tendrillous lianes or low shrubs.
Stipules absent.
Latex present.
Spines absent.