Annual to perennial herbs, evergreen; latex white. Stems without spines, stoloniferous. Leaves petiolate, opposite; lamina entire, herbaceous, glabrous or with scattered simple hairs; colleters absent. Inflorescences extra-axillary, a much-reduced cyme of single flowers. Flowers ±scentless, pedicellate. Calyx without colleters. Corolla salverform; tube gradually widening, and with a region of indumentum above stamens, without scales; lobes sinistrorse in bud. Corolline corona absent. Stamens included, inserted c. halfway up corolla tube, not adherent to style-head; anthers lanceolate. Style-head obconical, densely pubescent with a basal flange. Disc of 2 small scales. Fruit dehiscent membranous paired follicles. Seeds 4–8, unwinged, ecomose.
Herbs with stolons and watery juice. Leaves opposite, entire, short petiolate, intra-and interpetiolar glands present. Flowers solitary or rarely in 2-flowered cymes, axillary. Calyx small, without glands. Corolla violet, funnelform, tube cylindric, hairy or with scales at throat; lobes obliquely obovate, spreading, shorter than tube, overlapping to left. Stamens inserted just below middle of corolla tube. Disc glands 2, ligulate, alternating with ovaries. Ovules 6-many. Style filiform; pistil head ringlike, apex densely hairy. Follicles 2, erect or spreading, cylindric, striate. Seeds glabrous.
Herbs, perennial, erect or trailing, lacticiferous. Leaves opposite, non-glandu-lar. Inflorescences 1-flowered, axillary, and alternate. Flowers medium-sized; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes ? equal, without squamellae; corolla infundibuliform, blue, rarely white, without appendages, the limb 5-lobed, sinistrorsely convolute; stamens 5, the anthers not connivent, with an enlarged connective; gynoecium 2-carpellate, apocarpous, the ovary superior, the ovules numerous, the nectaries 2, alternate with the carpels and about as large. Fruit apocarpous, of 2 follicles, terete; seeds numerous, dry, naked.
Fls perfect, hypogynous, sympetalous, regular or nearly so, mostly 5-merous; cor commonly funnelform or salverform to urceolate or cylindric, with mostly convolute lobes; stamens on the cor-tube, alternate with the lobes; anthers distinct or ± closely connivent around the style-head; ovaries 2 in our genera, with a common style and large stigma; ovules few to many; fr in ours of 2 slender, many-seeded follicles; ours herbs or twining woody vines with milky juice and opposite or (Amsonia) alternate, simple lvs. 200/2000, mostly tropical.