Oxypetalum R.Br.


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Apocynaceae


Erect annual to perennial herbs; latex white. Roots fibrous. Leaves petiolate; lamina herbaceous; colleters present. Inflorescence umbelliform. Corolla campanulate to salverform; tube cylindrical; lobes free at tips, valvate. Annular and corolline coronas absent; gynostegial corona interstaminal and composed of 5 lobes that are formed, but not fused, into a tube surrounding staminal column. Stamens connate into gynostegium, not markedly capitate. Anthers 2-locular with terminal appendage; pollen in linear tetrads; pollinaria with 2 pendulous, ellipsoidal pollinia lacking pellucid germinating mouth; corpusculum narrowly oblong; caudicles not winged, not geniculate. Style-head conical-elongate. Follicles fusiform. Seeds flattened, oblong, comose at micropylar end.
Mostly scandent herbs, occasionally suffrutescent, usually pubescent. Leaves opposite, generally cordate and long petiolate. Cymes usually umbellate, terminal or axillary, few-to several-flowered. Flowers with the calyx 5-lobed, with or without basal interior glands; corolla usually white, yellow, or purplish, cam-panulate to subglobose, the tube short, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes usually narrow, contorted in bud; stamens inserted near the base of the tube, the corona 5-parted,
adnate to the corolla or free, erect, the segments usually fleshy, ? retuse, emar-ginate or bifid, with or without interior appendages, the filaments forming a short tube, the anthers terminated by an inflexed membrane; pollinia pendulous, usually oblong, translators usually with strongly appendaged dorsal margins; stigma usually beaked, the beak frequently bifid. Follicles slender or thick-ened, smooth or tuberculate; seeds comose.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Oxypetalum unspecified picture


Oxypetalum world distribution map, present in Australia and Panama


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:331823-2
WFO ID wfo-4000027579
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Gothofreda Rhyssostelma Schistogyne Widgrenia Corollonema Dactylostelma Amblyopetalum Calostigma Schizostemma Cystostemma Oxypetalum

Lower taxons

Oxypetalum rojasianum Oxypetalum warmingii Oxypetalum wightianum Oxypetalum reitzii Oxypetalum crispum Oxypetalum costae Oxypetalum barberoanum Oxypetalum alpinum Oxypetalum acerosum Oxypetalum pilosum Oxypetalum martii Oxypetalum leonii Oxypetalum kleinii Oxypetalum habrogynum Oxypetalum erostre Oxypetalum erianthum Oxypetalum erectum Oxypetalum glaziovii Oxypetalum suboppositum Oxypetalum subcapitatum Oxypetalum stipatum Oxypetalum schenckii Oxypetalum chodatianum Oxypetalum capitatum Oxypetalum insigne Oxypetalum humile Oxypetalum cordifolium Oxypetalum banksii Oxypetalum helios Oxypetalum appendiculatum Oxypetalum balansae Oxypetalum aurantiacum Oxypetalum arnottianum Oxypetalum polyanthum Oxypetalum macrolepis Oxypetalum lutescens Oxypetalum jacobinae Oxypetalum lineare Oxypetalum pachyglossum Oxypetalum molle Oxypetalum morilloanum Oxypetalum oblanceolatum Oxypetalum gyrophyllum Oxypetalum strictum Oxypetalum rusticum Oxypetalum reflexum Oxypetalum marginatum Oxypetalum pannosum Oxypetalum ophiuroideum Oxypetalum incanum Oxypetalum laciniatum Oxypetalum pubescens Oxypetalum sylvestre Oxypetalum tucumanense Oxypetalum karstenianum Oxypetalum longipedunculatum Oxypetalum fiebrigii Oxypetalum pentasetum Oxypetalum confusum Oxypetalum dusenii Oxypetalum ekblomii Oxypetalum glaziovianum Oxypetalum glomeratum Oxypetalum schottii Oxypetalum sublanatum Oxypetalum coccineum Oxypetalum coeruleum Oxypetalum deltoideum Oxypetalum parviflorum Oxypetalum subhirtellum Oxypetalum tomentosum Oxypetalum brachystemma Oxypetalum malmei Oxypetalum hoehnei Oxypetalum mosenii Oxypetalum multiflorum Oxypetalum ostenii Oxypetalum regnellii Oxypetalum attenuatum Oxypetalum schulzii Oxypetalum charrua Oxypetalum gracile Oxypetalum kuhlmannianum Oxypetalum commersonianum Oxypetalum albicans Oxypetalum argentinum Oxypetalum lanatum Oxypetalum obtusifolium Oxypetalum microphyllum Oxypetalum tubatum Oxypetalum arenicola Oxypetalum joergensenii Oxypetalum lynchianum Oxypetalum retusum Oxypetalum melinioides Oxypetalum flavopurpureum Oxypetalum corymbosum Oxypetalum teyucuarense Oxypetalum nigricans Oxypetalum dactylostelma Oxypetalum urceolatum Oxypetalum fuscum Oxypetalum pearsonii Oxypetalum radinsii Oxypetalum fontellae Oxypetalum pachygynum Oxypetalum glabrescens Oxypetalum foliosum Oxypetalum montanum Oxypetalum filamentosum Oxypetalum boudetii Oxypetalum guaraniticum Oxypetalum harleyi Oxypetalum coalitum Oxypetalum dombeyanum Oxypetalum pardense Oxypetalum heptalobum Oxypetalum nanum Oxypetalum brachystephanum Oxypetalum ceratostemma Oxypetalum aequaliflorum Oxypetalum arachnoideum Oxypetalum patulum Oxypetalum marambaiense Oxypetalum minarum Oxypetalum muticum Oxypetalum hilarianum Oxypetalum weberbaueri Oxypetalum nitidum Oxypetalum rariflorum Oxypetalum solanoides