Shrub with white latex. Leaves opposite, with a row of colleters in the axils. Inflorescence terminal or in axils of upper leaves, paniculate. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx with 0–5 colleters at the base near the edge. Corolla salver-shaped; tube urceolate; lobes overlapping to the left, with a corona at the base. Stamens included; filaments short, hispid at the apex; anthers apiculate and pilose at the apex, rounded at the base. Ovary of two free, rounded carpels, glabrous; pistil head with a cylindrical basal part with a skirt at the top and bottom and a bifid stigmoid apex. Fruit of two slender, almost free follicular mericarps, dehiscent adaxially, glabrous. Seeds with a coma at the apex, directed towards the base of the fruit