Corolla tube infundibuliform to hypocrateriform, much widened at the throat, more or less pubescent outside, glabrous or pubescent to strigose inside; lobes obovate or narrowly obovate, acuminate, entire, undulate or crispate, spreading, overlapping to the right in bud; between all the lobes an obcordate, glabrous or pubescent to velutinous scale at the base, which is united by its edges with the lobes.
Stamens included to exserted, inserted at the apex of the narrow basal portion of the corolla-tube; anthers narrowly triangular, sagittate at the base, and with a long apical appendage, appendages filiform, usually coherent and twisted at the apex.
Carpels two, globose, connate at the base; style split only at the base, cylindrical; clavuncula subcylindrical, more or less coherent with the apices of the filaments; stigma bifid, c. 0·5 mm. long.
Fruit consisting of two spreading or recurved follicles; follicles connate at the very base, oblong and tapering towards each end, pubescent outside, glabrous inside, many-seeded.
Inflorescence thyrsoid, lax; bracts narrowly obovate to linear, acuminate, entire, pubescent; peduncle very short or absent; pedicels pubescent.
Leaves alternate, confined to the apices of the branchlets, with colleters in the axils; stipules minute or absent.
Sepals connate at the base, subequal, narrowly oblong to narrowly obovate, entire, acuminate.
Succulent shrubs or trees with rhizomatous or carrot-like tubers; with clear or white latex.
Seeds oblong, truncate, with tufts of dirty white to light brown hairs at both ends.
Flowers slightly zygomorphic.