Stamens inserted almost at base of corolla tube; anthers large, conniving in a cone round the gynoecium, fertile in the upper part only, joined to the clavuncle by a retinacle (a linear appendage produced from the connective at the base of the anther).
Corolla hypocrateriform; tube short, widest at the middle, hairy inside and outside, bearing 5 alternipetalous corona scales at the mouth; corolla lobes 5, contorted, overlapping to the right, spreading to reflexed, ± equalling tube.
Ovary of 2 multiovulate carpels connate at the extreme base only; style very short; clavuncula consisting of a slightly 5-winged upper and a cylindrical lower portion, to the latter of which the 5 retinacles adhere; stigma bilobed.
Seeds oblong with an apical coma; endosperm in a thin layer completely surrounding the embryo.
Flowers in terminal or axillary paniculate cymes, often greenish and inconspicuous.
Receptacular disc cupular, with 5 oppositi-petalous lobes.
Scandent shrubs and tall lianes with milky latex.
Domatia usually present on lower leaf surface.
Calyx lobes imbricate, free almost to base.
Glands present at or near apex of petiole.
Spines, tendrils and stipules absent.
Fruit of 2 follicular mericarps.